Saturday 16 May 2015

Eat like a king in the morning, then eat like a slave at night.

Tuesday 5 May 2015


That goes to every single one of you.

What is the best food for protein?

The top foods that have the highest gram of protein in dairy products of are:

  1. Greek Yogurt
  2. Swiss cheese 
  3. Eggs
  4. Milk
  5. Soy milk

The best meats that contain protein are:

  1. Steak 
  2. beef
  3. pork
  4. chicken 
  5. turkey breasts
  6. tuna
  7. octopus
  8. any fish generally 

All nuts have a high source of protein in their content, some have more than others. 

20 minute power cardio workout.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 push ups 
  • 30 crunches 
  • 40 Squats 
  •  60 HIGH KNEES

Try do as many round of these 6 short workouts as possible in 20 minutes and feel the burn.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Summer is right around the corner!!

Exercise: Crunch
  1. Lie on your back and slowly start to raise your head and shoulders upwards and back down and do it repeatedly  until you're sick.

Hold you whole body on a side using your elbow and arm, stretch your legs out and hold this position for as long as you want, then swap sides and do the same.

This is the normal plank. Hold your body up with both arms and stretch your body out you can even push you arms out in front of you taking turns with each hand. 

Make a Chocolate Peanut butter protein shake

3-5 ice cubes
1 cup unsweetened almond milk, soy milk or skim milk
2 scoops DailyBurn Fuel-6 chocolate protein powder
1 banana
2 tablespoons peanut butter

Add all these into a blender and blend until its nice and smooth this creates a lovely protein drink if you love Reeses chocolate you will love this one, but don't drink to often as it has 485 calories. One serve contain: 485 kcal 48g of carbs and 32 grams of protein.

Make A white Chocolate Raspberry protein shake

Ingredients needed :

1 tablespoon chia seeds
2 scoops DailyBurn Fuel-6 in vanilla
1 tablespoon white chocolate chips
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (from a carton)
2 tablespoons water
3/4 cup frozen raspberries

Then all you have to to is add all this into a blender and blend it until it  is nice and smooth then you have a 28 gram of protein shake it includes :vitamin C, fiber and phytonutrient

Monday 13 April 2015

My protein impact whey protein

Amino acid profile. My protein is the best source of protein around with many flavours and many options to choose from.

Detox Ingredients

Adding these all together will give you the detox for energy and to lose weight.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Monday 16 March 2015

Pre workout recipe

This is a great way to get pumped up for the gym. It makes you go all out in beast mode and train harder than you have before. Also it is a lot cheaper than buying pre workout bags from the shops.

Friday 13 March 2015

5 foods that are supposed to be healthy, but are not.

1. Fruit Juice    Many people think that fruit juice is healthy because it has fruit in it. Yes fruit is healthy but the added sugars inside fruit juice make it. Companys add sugar into fruit juices to make them more desirable. The best thing to do is blend the fruit and make it into a drinkable liquid.

2. Sports Drinks. These things are filled with sugar and sodium, they are not very beneficial unless you are running a marathon in very hot humid weather. I also see people drink these kind of drinks like monster and rockstar, when they're just walking around and doing nothing.

3. Vegetable oils.  Yes your body needs fatty acid but vegetable oil gives you a hell of a lot more than needed, eating protein foods like nuts, fish and meat will give you enough fatty acids to be healthy.

4.Low fat and free fat foods. If you are an active person your body needs some fat to keep up, but now everyone has been hit by the fat free living style which is bad thing. Fat free things contain added sugars and unnatural sweeteners which are more harm full that fatty foods.

5.Diet drinks instead of using sugars top brands add sweeteners into their drinks to make them calorie free, and then all calories are dropped. And more caffeine is added you still gain weight from drinking diet coke but not as much.  You should slip away the coke and drink water its free and has no calories at all.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your health and well being.

Do you need advice about getting your dream body goals? Check out this page.

Girls lifting weights- not gaining muscle.

Post by Ryan Dury Aesthetics.

This man describes everything for Aesthetics. Go like his page and ask him questions and he will make a video telling you what to do and what not to do to achieve your goals. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Eating Healthy

Eating healthy is tne key to keeping fit. Chop the carbs and bring the the protein and vitimans